Thursday, September 23, 2010

Silas Barton. A modern day Plato. Response to "Waky Waky hands of Snaky"

My classmate Silas is a very intriguing man. With a witty sense of humor and a personality to light up the room, his blog posts never fail to entertain. Peep 'em at SILAS' BLOG.

This blog post is in response to Silas' recent blog entry "Waky Waky hands of Snaky"

In short he writes about a senator from the great state of Delaware (sarcasm) aiming to outlaw masturbation in her own province.

I agree with Silas 100%, when he says, "what happens in the dark, stays in the dark. You can't tell me what to do with my body".

Now to my perspective on this issue.

This senator cannot be serious. If this issue is the most important issue she can possibly come up with to gain the voter's pen stroke, than she should seriously consider a different profession. Because obviously her ignorance is of that of a B.C. Biblical Critic. (haha)

Bottom line. This is none of her business. Absolutely none. If I were a Delaware resident I would take this as an insult.

Seriously though, how would this law possibly be enforced without the invasion of one's privacy anyway. Are they going to have the "masturbation police" on duty??? Stalking one's window sill with binoculars 150 feet away in a tree??  Psh, of course not.

This is simply just an effort of her campaign to be different than the other runners . Clearly her vote count is down and she needs a spark..

That is all

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