Thursday, September 30, 2010

"I Have A Dream"

King's "I have a Dream" speech is not only based on fact, but it has the unique ability to hit you right in the heart. It has the ability to make you nod your head in agreement, as if you were sitting in the audience at the time of the speech. On August 28th, 1968 in Washington D.C., history was made.

King's message was clear, and was worded in such a way that you cannot possibly disagree with him.
All people are created equal. That was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's intent.

His dream was, that one day, people will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

In my opinion King succeeded. As of today we have an African American President. 50 years ago you would have to be a fool to foresee this. Without King's efforts we wouldn't be the country we are today.

I chose this particular topic because I thought it was so courageous of King to stand up and face the world. A good 60% of white people in the country probably wanted this guy dead. To have the courage to stand up in front of the nation and address all these people, is one of the most courageous acts I have ever seen

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