Thursday, September 30, 2010

Be the change project

For my "Be the change" project I will provide facts as to why marijuana should made legal. I will go about the medical services of the herb, and discuss other beneficiaries. I will also go about the financial impact it could have on Our economy. I will discuss its impact on prisons across the country. Also, I will touch on the youth's perspective of this matter, and how the illegal sale of the herb has damaged their lives.

"I Have A Dream"

King's "I have a Dream" speech is not only based on fact, but it has the unique ability to hit you right in the heart. It has the ability to make you nod your head in agreement, as if you were sitting in the audience at the time of the speech. On August 28th, 1968 in Washington D.C., history was made.

King's message was clear, and was worded in such a way that you cannot possibly disagree with him.
All people are created equal. That was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's intent.

His dream was, that one day, people will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

In my opinion King succeeded. As of today we have an African American President. 50 years ago you would have to be a fool to foresee this. Without King's efforts we wouldn't be the country we are today.

I chose this particular topic because I thought it was so courageous of King to stand up and face the world. A good 60% of white people in the country probably wanted this guy dead. To have the courage to stand up in front of the nation and address all these people, is one of the most courageous acts I have ever seen

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Silas Barton. A modern day Plato. Response to "Waky Waky hands of Snaky"

My classmate Silas is a very intriguing man. With a witty sense of humor and a personality to light up the room, his blog posts never fail to entertain. Peep 'em at SILAS' BLOG.

This blog post is in response to Silas' recent blog entry "Waky Waky hands of Snaky"

In short he writes about a senator from the great state of Delaware (sarcasm) aiming to outlaw masturbation in her own province.

I agree with Silas 100%, when he says, "what happens in the dark, stays in the dark. You can't tell me what to do with my body".

Now to my perspective on this issue.

This senator cannot be serious. If this issue is the most important issue she can possibly come up with to gain the voter's pen stroke, than she should seriously consider a different profession. Because obviously her ignorance is of that of a B.C. Biblical Critic. (haha)

Bottom line. This is none of her business. Absolutely none. If I were a Delaware resident I would take this as an insult.

Seriously though, how would this law possibly be enforced without the invasion of one's privacy anyway. Are they going to have the "masturbation police" on duty??? Stalking one's window sill with binoculars 150 feet away in a tree??  Psh, of course not.

This is simply just an effort of her campaign to be different than the other runners . Clearly her vote count is down and she needs a spark..

That is all

The PERFECT Athlete. Is it Possible?

This is my response to John Brenkus' blog post on

John Brenkus is the Executive Producer and Host for, "Sport Science", on ESPN. A show rapidly gaining popularity for putting the raw physical skills of today's most exciting athletes on display.

This article gets into great depth about a number of things. One being, is there such thing as the perfect athlete? Two being, is there a physical, human limitation? In other words, can today's athlete be pushed to limits some experts say are impossible? In other words, what is our species' "Perfection Point?"

John Brenkus and several sport's physiologists set out to find our species "Perfection Point". John published their results in his self written book "The Perfection Point"

After reading this article, I was intrigued by two things.

- The maximum time that a human could hold his breath while face-down in water is fourteen minutes, forty-seven seconds.

Sounds ridiculous right? Yea, probably because it is.
The average dolphin species can stay underwater for as long as eight to 10 minutes. Again, EIGHT to TEN minutes. For a human to stay under water for FIVE minutes longer than that of the dolphin's physical capability is mind-bending.

This means that the Human Being's lungs are more functional than those of the dolphin's, and their solely an aquatic species, human's being land dwellers.

This alone says something about the evolution of the human species, but that's for another blog.

- Balance everything out perfectly and it should be possible for a human being to cover the 100 meter dash distance in 8.99 seconds. But not 8.98. That's a flat-out impossibility.

The current world record for the 100 meter dash is 9.72 seconds, held by the freak of an athlete, Usain Bolt.
It doesn't take an astro-physicist to deceiver the difference in the two times (8.99 and 9.72), being .73, almost a full second.

With training methods getting better and weight lifting techniques getting more modernized. The future athlete is going to break and set records at a blistering pace. They're going to be faster, stronger, smarter, quicker, and more agile.

I expect this 100 meter dash record to be broken sometime in the next 10 years. And the "final" 8.99 reached at some point during the next 50-60 years

So, to answer my blog's title. Yes, it is possible for the Perfect athlete to exist. But in order for this to occur, the athlete must be bread. He must come out the womb with ankle weights strapped to his bitty legs. He must have the reflexes of a cat and the grace of a gazelle. He must eat, sleep, and completley devote his life to the record he wishes to set. The record of perfection.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Response to James M Russel's Post on

This post is my response to James M. Russel's Post on

James Russel is an avid poster on I found this post to be quite interesting. 

First off I would like to say this, I find what the top billionaires in the United States are doing is admirable, to say the least. However, they can only do so much.

As of now the United States Treasury is 8.8 trillion dollars in financial debt. To try to lessen this burden the U.S. Government has raised taxes. With the most percentile raise going to the middle class Americans.
That, in itself, is not fair. Why should the hard working, middle class Americans, be victimized by this? Certainly they alone are not the reason behind this country's enormous debt. So why should they alone be forced to make up for a Nation's mistake? Wouldn't it only make sense to raise the taxes on the wealthy, especially the billionaires?

In my eyes, there is a certain responsibility that comes with enormous wealth. Billions of dollars is plenty enough for one person, or two persons, or better yet, 1,000 persons. Congress should ratify laws enacting a certain percentage of this enormous wealth to be direct deposited to a U.S. Treasury debt relief program. MONTHLY! Which, therefore, would kick start the 'healing" process of this country's financial wounds.

Pardon me I'm rambling.

But back to the issue at hand. 

I find this to be nothing more than a publicity stunt. Aimed to make the Nation's billionaires look less of egotistical cash warriors, to more of a conservative, "we love our country" approach. Which, in reality, is a bunch of bologna.

However, not all billionaires are dirty cash wolves. Some actually do care about the well being of this country. That's why they decided to have their life earnings donated to the U.S. Government upon their death.

                                   Like I said before, this is very admirable and humble.

But why wait? Why not donate NOW?

The fact of the matter is, these billionaires are the top dogs of this country. Maybe even more influential than the President himself. It's time for the billionaires to step up to the plate and accept their responsibility's. To ensure that my children's children, can lead a normal American life. To ensure what our founding fathers built this country upon. They have a duty to defend the Constitution!   

Now of course I don't have a billion dollars,  never mind a thousand dollars. So I wouldn't know the hard work it took to make that kind of money. I'm sure it was extremely tiresome and hard. But to go down in history as a greedy billionaire is far worse than going down in history as a person who did his/her fair share, to make this country a better place to raise our kids in.

Bottom line. Yes. The progressive role of our nation's billionaires is increasing. But not yet close to what it should be.

Thanks for taking your time to read this.


My name is Ryan Christopher Ferrioli, but you can call me Ryan.
I'm 17 years old and currently enrolled at Bunker Hill Community College.
As a requirement for my Learning Center Seminar, "America Speaks", I must create a blog.
I'm new to this and I'm hoping it turns out well.
I'll try to keep it updated as much as possible, and keep it entertaining as well.
So subscribe!!